Monday, April 6, 2015

Couch to 5K - Week 1 Day 1

I finally decided yesterday to add some exercise Into my routine. To be honest, I have tried before with walking or running and I usually make it a week or two before getting busy or it getting too hot outside and I give up. So, this time I really wanted to get on some kind of plan that could keep me accountable. I know I'm not going to go to the gym 3 days a weekso I wanted to just walk/run in my neighborhood. My sister told me about a plan called Couch to 5K that sounded need. I read about it and read a lot of positive success stories about how people were not runners but this worked for them. I'm just telling you right now though, I have never, ever been a runner!  I can walk with the best of them but running is just not my thing. I have no stamina or endurance and my knees hurt. So to say I am a skeptic on this "working" for me would be putting it mildly. But I've decided to give it a chance and to commit to sticking with the plan. We will see how it goes. I may need to repeat a few weeks if I'm not ready to move on. This first day sounded so 60 seconds, walk 90 seconds, repeat for 20 minutes. I thought, well that's easy. Even I can do that!  Well, I would be lying if I said I wasn't struggling to complete it. It was actually pretty tough so I'm nervous to see how the rest of it goes. Today was a rest day so I should be at it again tomorrow...

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