Friday, April 3, 2015


This morning I woke up craving an egg and cheese biscuit. It was all I could think about and laying in bed I decided I'm just going to do it!  We are going to Medieval Times tonight so I figured that was going to knock me off the wagon anyway so, why not?   I then got up and decided to do my weigh in and to my surprise (I really felt like I hadn't lost any weight this week), I have lost 1.5 lbs!  160.5 lb...1 pound away from being back in the 150's!  That was the motivation I needed to resist my biscuit temptation...especially when I looked and saw one biscuit is 180 calories!  No thank you!   Instead I fried an egg, used half a slice of cheese and one piece of toast for my egg sandwich craving.   Total calories...135!  Much better.  For lunch I ate one of the organic skinny burritos I bought at costco and for my sweet craving I had some fresh strawberries with a couple of tablespoons of whipped cream so that leaves me 850 calories for Medieval Times. Hopefully I can try to just eat half and bring the rest home for another meal!

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